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Get weekly insights from industry leaders John Best and Glen Sarvady, delivered straight to your preferred podcast platform. Join our community and stay informed about the latest trends shaping the credit union industry. 

Aug 30, 2018

In this episode of The BIGCast C-Suite Edition, John Janclaes sits down with Gene Zaino of MBO Partners to talk about the present and future of America’s independent workforce. Explore why your organization will benefit from tapping into this ‘constellation of resources’ that are available to you when you need...

Aug 28, 2018

This week, John speaks with Dr. Harry Kloor; futurist, science fiction writer and founder of the XPrize. Learn more about Dr. Kloor’s vision of the future of avatars, explore the good, bad and the ugly of blockchain and cryptocurrency, and listen in on a fascinating viewpoint about the future of AI and how it will...

Aug 21, 2018

Glen chats with Illinois Credit Union League CEO Tom Kane about community outreach, innovative auto lending, and the upstate/downstate vibrancy of Illinois’ CU movement. Also- blockchain comes to fantasy football, fintech charter turf battles, and Glen gets cranky about states’ rights.

Aug 14, 2018

Chris Skinner of joins John Best for a discussion onsite at the World Council of Credit Unions Conference in Singapore. Listen in to learn the difference between digital transformation and digital adoption, and explore with them as they discuss the ever-expanding global fintech market.


In this...

Aug 7, 2018

Glen chats with Finovate's Greg Palmer about the conference's first African event, the differences he's noted in fintech communities across the globe, and the addition of Blockchain and AI tracks to their fall NYC showcase. Also- vanishing CDs and traveler's checks, Mnuchin’s Mnoodlings on fintech, and BIG's beauty...