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Get weekly insights from industry leaders John Best and Glen Sarvady, delivered straight to your preferred podcast platform. Join our community and stay informed about the latest trends shaping the credit union industry. 

Jul 31, 2018

Bob Trunzo, President, and CEO of CUNA Mutual Group joins John Janclaes on this episode of The BIGCast C-Suite in order to discuss his professional journey, CMG’s latest push into the important field of data science, and why it is important to face failure. Explore why data science is a necessity for your credit...

Jul 24, 2018

Glen turns the tables on John and interviews HIM about his new book addressing the digital transformation challenges facing credit unions and community banks. Learn why culture is just as (if not more) important as technology as your credit union embarks on digital transformation.

Jul 17, 2018

This week, John is joined by BIGCast series regular John Janclaes, CEO of Partners FCU, as well as Jeffrey Kendall of KONY to discuss how strategic vendor partnering might be your key to success. Learn from the pros as they advise the digital priorities for small and medium-sized CUs, and explore why vendors are...

Jul 10, 2018


In this final episode of our OnApproach Data Lake series, John speaks with Karan Bhalla and Suchit Shah of CU Rise Analytics. Join the discussion to learn more about how CU Rise works with OnApproach to analyze the vast pools of data that credit unions possess. They use the three models of attrition as an example to...

Jul 3, 2018

Glen wraps up our AXFI coverage with a conversation with science fiction author Kevin J Anderson and futurist/entrepreneur/screenwriter Dr, Harry Kloor on how sci-fi influences rather than predicts the future. Also an update from the recent Visa Payments Forum from Trellance’s Lou Grilli.