Nov 30, 2017
Dr. Caroline Fisher of Culture Solutions Group speaks with BIGCast host John Janclaes about the links between culture, leadership and the bottom line. Dr. Fisher details her 25 year professional journey in studying culture and explores how awareness for the concept has grown into a game changing opportunity...
Nov 28, 2017
Scott Robinson of Plug and Play Tech Center joins John for a lively discussion about building trust between financial institutions and fintechs and the future and promise of blockchain.
In this episode:
Nov 21, 2017
BIGCast hosts John Best, Anne Legg, Glen Sarvady and John Janclaes share their thoughts on the FinTech trends they're thankful for this holiday season. Among them: the blockchain, Credit Union Leagues, intrepid innovators and on-demand groceries.
Nov 16, 2017
Glen visits with Kris Jacobsen and Andrea Molnau of the Minnesota Credit Union Network to discuss the state’s deep-rooted cooperative culture, its efforts to boost consumer savings and attract the next generation of members, and programs to help CUs leverage big data. Also- the latest in artificial intelligence,...
Nov 14, 2017
Join John to explore how Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality will transform your Credit Union banking experience, how to prepare and why you should care.
In This Episode: