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Get weekly insights from industry leaders John Best and Glen Sarvady, delivered straight to your preferred podcast platform. Join our community and stay informed about the latest trends shaping the credit union industry. 

Jul 25, 2016

This week John and Glen talk about Brexit, Walmart’s decision to stop accepting Visa at some Canadian locations, John’s virtual reality explorations, and other future technologies that are on John’s mind.

Jul 20, 2016

John speaks with technology strategist Andrew Tobin about mobile identity, the United Kingdom’s Government Digital Service, Identity models, and payments.

Jul 18, 2016

Glen Sarvady discusses innovation in the Credit Union space in interviews from the AXFI Conference with Neff Hudson, VP of Corporate Development at USAA and Dan Eason, founder of RealTelligence. John and Glen continue their conversation of their take-aways from the conference.

Jul 13, 2016

John continues his identity conversation with Doc and Joyce Searls, including discussions on correlated data, marketing’s relationship to correlated data, and how big and correlated data do not provide organizations with the ability to provide good customer service or protect customer privacy.

Jul 11, 2016

Glen and John wrap up the 2016 AXFI Conference, including interviews with Paul Cutsinger from Amazon and details on the Amazon Echo hack-a-thon. John announces his plans to test out Walmart Pay.