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Nov 28, 2017

Scott Robinson of Plug and Play Tech Center joins John for a lively discussion about building trust between financial institutions and fintechs and the future and promise of blockchain. 

In this episode: 

  • Scott details the history of Plug and Play Tech Center and two of the current fintech startups in their program, Token and Blockdaemon. 

  • Learn more about the Plug N Play demo day and why your financial institution should attend. 
  • John and Scott discuss how to build trust between fintechs and financial institutions in order to more deeply meet strategic needs and yield results. 

  • John and Scott debate the pros and cons of Permissionless vs Permissioned ledgers and the incredible opportunity that lies in blockchain to revolutionize identity and cyber security 

  • Visit or email for more information on next May’s PNP demo day. Twitter at @pnpfintech